Friday, February 9, 2018

Blog Stage Two: Article introduction and collegue's blogs

 In 1619, the United States started the slave trade. At that time, Europeans brought most of the slaves from Africa. Moreover, they discriminated against them since they have darker skin color. Therefore, a lot of black people were physically and mentally suffered while on slaved. Furthermore, today, black people are still fighting for their racial equality.
 On Wednesday, February 7, 2018, New York times published an article titled "Muhiyidin Moye, Black Lives Matter Activist, Is Shot and killed in New Orleans". Muhiyidin Moye was a prominent Black Lives Matter activist. He raised his voice about the black man who was shot by the police officer in April 2015. At the age of 32, he was killed by shot in a leg on a Tuesday in New Orleans, while he was riding a bike. According to the police officer, there is not specific evidence id someone intentionally killed him or not because New Orleans has one of the highest murder rates in the United States.
 I choose this article because even these days, there are a lot of inequalities between black and white. Black people are judged by the color of their skin when applying for a job, earning household income, and getting into the education system. Thus, it is important to clarify that all people have a equal rights despite the color of their skin.

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