Friday, March 30, 2018

Blog Stage Five: Original editorial or commentary #1

  Racial inequality bewteen black and white is still an consequential issue not only in

America but a world wide. Black people were tended to be a slave for the white people.

 Look back into the US history, the people who lived in the Massachusetts hired a lot of

 black people from Africa to produce a lot of crops by using them as a farmer. Black

people were treated differently with white people that they were not even allowed to be

 a citizen of the America. Only White man can have a citizen in the United States.

Moreover, they were mostly abused that they don't even have their own rights as a

human being. Recently, there was an gun shooting in the Florida at Majory Stoneman

 Douglas highschool. According to the ariticle, the African American students said that

 they were ignored by the media of the vital gun shooting. 17 students were killed

because of this gun violence. Even though a lot of things has been changed and

developed, there are still an racial inequalities in now a days. Since America is one of the

most influencial country in the world with the diverse group of people by religion, color

of skin, and point of view. I believe that the government should give more opportunity

to black people so that they can raise their opinion like what white people have as a

same human being.

Blog Stage Four: Substantial critique Of An Editorial Or Commentary From A Blog

  On Thursday, March 29, 2018, TIME published an article about the "Trump threatens to Leverage South Korea Trade Deal in North Korea Talks". According to the author of Darlene Superville, he has assert that Trump announced his plans to hold bilateral about the meeting with Kim Jong Un which will be in the end of May. Because compared to before, the rhetoric of the North Korea has calmed down. However, it does not mean Trump's first trade of the administration will not change since this is one of the important and strong card which United States can hold  be able to have a constant trade in both South Korea and North Korea. Nevertheless, Trump did not specifically mentioned about what leverage the United States would accomplish by holding up trade deal with South Korea.

  As a citizen of South Korea, one thing that I am concerned about this is that Trump did not clearly indicate his opinion. Therefore, it is difficult to know what the United States wants from both South Korea and North Korea. Moreover, most of the Trump's action and words are different that no one can predict what is going to happen in the future. I hope Trump would take serious about this for the safety of the three countries. All things considered, I do agree with the author that the Trump has threatened to leverage South Korea to be able to have a trade deal in North Korea talks. 

Blog Stage eight: Comment on a colleague's work #2

     According to  "What to say when your neighbor comes over uninvited? ", Lollie Martin wrote about how Trump is threaten Mexic...